The Pluto – Charon Binary Likely Formed by Fission

The possibility that Charon was born from Pluto by fission was raised soon after Charon’s discovery. Now that the New Horizons mission has given us a close look at their surfaces, global surface features on both bodies appear to confirm the fission hypothesis. Pluto’s surface features are underlain by global parallel bands that I interpret […]

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Pluto: The Big Picture – Convection, Evaporation, Flooding, Global Banding & Rotational Fission

1. The movement of soft ices in convection cells is carrying warm ice onto Pluto’s surface. This ice evaporates while moving to the edge of each cell, supplying Pluto’s atmosphere with nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. At the edge of each cell the soft ice, now cold, is subducted back into Pluto’s interior. The methane […]

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